2 posts by juan-castillo

P.A.R.A. Method

P.A.R.A. stands for Projects — Areas — Resources — Archives

A Project is “a series of tasks linked to a goal, with a deadline.”

An Area of responsibility is “a sphere of activity with a standard to be maintained over time.”

A Resource is “a topic or theme of ongoing interest.”

Archives include “inactive items from the other three categories.”

This Method has captured my attention and has been an exceptional tool for assign our projects, tasks, and resources.

UGC enhancing the customer experience

Customer experience has never been more critical. Consumers crave enjoyable experiences with brands that are memorable. User-generated content (UGC) ticks all the boxes when it comes to connective content:

  • It builds and strengthens communities

  • It’s relatable and uplifting

  • It enables brands to meet customers where they’re already hanging out

  • It helps brands generate tons more content against a backdrop of stay-at-home orders and restrictive measures

UGC will be a common theme in 2021 as a significant content resource.