An assistant message with 'tool_calls' must be followed by tool messages responding to each 'tool_call_id'

If you're working with APIs like the OpenAI one and you're passing tools to your bots, make sure the results of a tool call are always right next to the tool call message! Otherwise the API will return a 400 response. Heads up! This a recent change in their API (they use to have functions but is now deprecated) and the mandatory order is not mentioned in the official docs!

// It always needs to be like this
    "role": "user", 
    "content": "Tell me the current time", 
    "tools": [{ "name": "current_time", "description": "Gives you the current time" }]
    "role": "assistant",
    "content": "",
    "tool_calls": [{
      "type": "function",
      "id": "d8cdd56d-98e1-4dea-ae3a-2b23",
      "function": { "name": "current_time", "arguments": "{}" }
    "role": "assistant",
    "content": "Current time is 10:22 AM",
    "tool_call_id": "d8cdd56d-98e1-4dea-ae3a-2b23"
    "role": "system",
    "content": "Just a message after the tool result"

Never do this!

    "role": "user", 
    "content": "Tell me the current time", 
    "functions": [{ "name": "current_time", "description": "Gives you the current time" }]
    "role": "assistant",
    "content": "",
    "tool_calls": [{ /* omitted */ }]
    "role": "system",
    "content": "Just a message between the tool call and the tool result"
    "role": "assistant",
    "content": "Current time is 10:22 AM",
    "tool_call_id": "d8cdd56d-98e1-4dea-ae3a-2b23"