Typeprof Ruby Interpreter in Ruby 3.0+

TypeProf is a Ruby interpreter that abstractly executes Ruby programs at the type level. It executes a given program and observes what types are passed to and returned from methods and what types are assigned to instance variables. All values are, in principle, abstracted to the class to which the object belongs, not the object itself.

Example: 1

 $ typeprof user.rb
# TypeProf 0.12.0

# Classes
class User
  attr_accessor skip_add_role: untyped
  def self.from_omniauth: (?Hash[bot, bot] auth) -> User

  def assign_default_role: -> nil

Example 2:

 $ typeprof skill.rb
# TypeProf 0.12.0

# Classes
class Skill
  def acceptable_image: -> nil

Example 3:

 $ typeprof ability.rb
# TypeProf 0.12.0

# Classes
class Ability
  attr_accessor user: untyped
  def initialize: (untyped user) -> untyped

  def alias_actions: -> untyped
  def register_extension_abilities: -> untyped