1 post by jose-farias

Notes on getting my M1 Rails + Foreman environment working

I expect this to evolve quickly and different things seem to be working for different people. In the meantime, hope to avoid a few rabbit holes for others.

  1. rvm worked for ruby 3.0.0 but not 2.6.6 (which is what I needed). cflags workarounds made it so ruby could get installed but gems with native extensions like grpc could not compile correctly. Tried asdf before trying rbenv and it worked, so I stuck with asdf.
  2. Had to prepend every brew installation (including brew itself) with arch -x86_64 brew install ....
  3. After installing asdf, I installed bundler as usual. No arch -x86_64 or anything. Same for bundle install afterwards.
  4. This DriftingRuby episode helped a lot.

I don't think the following were necessary but this is what I did because installing things with brew was getting hairy:

  1. Use Postgres.app to keep PostgreSQL running in the background, deleted it from my Procfile. Naturally, I have to start Postgres manually before I start Foreman.
  2. Downloaded ElasticSearch binaries and put the path in my Procfile. Essentially /Users/jose/dependencies/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-#.#.#/bin/elasticsearch