2 posts by emmanuel-oseguera

Crypt and decrypt messages with ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor in Rails

In the Rails Console run next lines:

key = SecureRandom.base64(24) # random 32 bits key in order to encrypt
crypt = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(key) # e.g. "PALkim1eXHeyGxFWhf+B4OvEYm6LXLtm"
encrypted_data = crypt.encrypt_and_sign('my favorite beer is La María') # "KgIkPJsn9n3JV4Y...=="
decrypted_data = crypt.decrypt_and_verify(encrypted_data) # decrypted message should concur with the original.

Period of Time with Ruby on Rails and Integers | ActiveSupport::Duration

From the rails console try next:

irb(main):001:0> period_of_time = 10.minutes
=> 10 minutes
irb(main):002:0> period_of_time.class
=> ActiveSupport::Duration
irb(main):003:0> period_of_time = 10.hours
=> 10 hours
irb(main):004:0> period_of_time.class
=> ActiveSupport::Duration
irb(main):005:0> period_of_time.to_i
=> 36000

Useful when you work with devise authentication gem, e.g to expire the session in a certain period of time.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  devise :database_authenticatable, :timeoutable,
    timeout_in: ENV['EXPIRATION_TIME_IN_MINUTES'].to_i.minutes || 10.minutes

And so on...

User.where(created_at: 20.days.ago..10.minutes.ago)