5 posts by aldo-mosqueda


TIL about OOUX, this article by Dale Owen sent me into a new internet Rabbit Hole. https://uxdesign.cc/what-is-object-oriented-ux-19e14c435d18 The philosophy of OOUX is to encourage us as UX Designers to think about our core content as objects, and to think about this before considering any procedural actions.

Give it a chance worth the reading.

TIL about the attention economy

As a UX designer, the product you create will constantly compete for users’ attention. If users are paying attention to one thing, like a notification on their mobile phone, it means they’re ignoring something else, so users have to be selective about how they spend time! This battle over users’ attention is referred to as the attention economy.

The term attention economy originated with psychologist and Nobel Laureate Herbert A. Simon, who believed that there are limits on what humans can think about and do at one time. Many scientists believe that humans aren’t very good multitaskers; technology should help users, not distract them. The more distracted a person is, the less likely they are to complete a task well.

The Mehrabian rule

Today I learn the Mehrabian 7-38-55 rule. The rule states that: 7% of meaning is communicated through spoken word 38% through tone of voice, and 55 % through body language.

It was developed by psychology professor Albert Mehrabian at the University of California, Los Angeles.

So... it is always a good idea to keep our cameras on at every meeting ;)

User Stories

As a [UX Designer] I want to [embrace Agile] so that [I can make my projects user-centered]

TIL that User Stories were originated as part of the Agile and SCRUM development methodologies. A tool so simple yet so powerful, it is a great design method that enhances collaboration.

Read the entire article: https://bit.ly/3tkB3RE


Today I learned that A11Y is an abbreviation for accessibility this word has eleven letters between A and Y.