5 posts by Eduardo Gutiérrez

use bundle open gemname

You can take a peek at a locally installed gem's code very easily in ruby mine.
If you are using another IDE it would require a few extra steps:
First, set BUNDLER_EDITOR in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc (or whatever shell you are using)
export BUNDLER_EDITOR="code"
(code to use VS code)
Then, simply run $ bundle open gemname and voilá! Look at whatever gem you want

Make your docker images safer!

Use docker scan <your image> to detect vulnerabilities easily! (JUst patch them after!)

Create a Pull Request from the CLI

In 2020 GitHub launched its CLI.
Among many other wonders, it allows you to create a PR from the command line.
Using it is exceedingly easy!

First, install it
$ brew install gh
Then, authenticate
$ gh auth login
Finally, create a PR with
$ gh pr create
If your repo has a PR template, it will make use of it.

Test your CircleCi build locally

The CircleCI CLI allows you to locally validate your config.yml and run some or all non-parallelized jobs locally:
To Validate the config:
$ circleci config validate
To Run a job:
$ circleci local execute --job JOB_NAME
To Run the workflow:
circleci local execute
To know more visit the CircleCi Docs

Export defualt const is invalid because...

const is a lexical declaration

default expects a HoistableDeclaration, ClassDeclaration or AssignmentExpression

and thus, export default const someVariable is a SynthaxError